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Tags: criteria for appointment

[Media Statement] Judges Matter welcomes adoption of New Criteria for the selection of Judges

[Media Statement] Judges Matter welcomes adoption of New Criteria for the selection of Judges

THURSDAY 4 MAY 2023 MEDIA STATEMENT New criteria is a historic development that shows JSC’s commitment to reform and improve rigour and fairness of interview process, and protect the independence of the judiciary. Judges Matter welcomes the Judicial Service Commission releasing today (4 May 2023) the new criteria for the selection and appointment of judges […]

Summary and explanation of the criteria and guidelines used by the Judicial Service Commission when considering candidates for judicial appointment

Summary and explanation of the criteria and guidelines used by the Judicial Service Commission when considering candidates for judicial appointment

    1. At its special sitting held in Johannesburg on 4 April 2022, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) considered and reviewed: 1.1 the guidelines for questioning candidates for judicial appointment to the Constitutional Court adopted in 1994; and 1.2 the criteria for judicial selection adopted in 2010. The JSC’s decision and approach 2. The […]

[Media Statement] Judges Matter submits comment on JSC’s criteria for Judicial Appointments

[Media Statement] Judges Matter submits comment on JSC’s criteria for Judicial Appointments

Media Statement 29 October 2022 JUDGES MATTER SUBMITS COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON JSC’s REVISED CRITERIA FOR JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS With renewed emphasis on legal excellence, integrity and independence, the new criteria are a significant improvement to judicial appointments This week, civil society organisation Judges Matter submitted comment to the Judicial Service Commission on the revised criteria […]

Submission on criteria for Judicial appointment in South Africa

Submission on criteria for Judicial appointment in South Africa

A. INTRODUCTION 1. The Democratic Governance and Rights Unit and Judges Matter hereby submit their input on the draft ‘Summary of Criteria and Questioning Guidelines’ (‘the draft criteria’) issued by the Judicial Service Commission on 27 October 2022. 2. Since we first began monitoring the judicial appointments process in 2009, we have regularly made submissions […]

[Media Statement] Criteria and Guidelines for Selecting candidates for Judicial Appointment

[Media Statement] Criteria and Guidelines for Selecting candidates for Judicial Appointment

27 October 2022 MEDIA STATEMENT At its meeting on 3 October 2022, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) adopted revised criteria and guidelines for selecting candidates for judicial appointment, revising the criteria and guidelines adopted in 1998 and updated in 2010. The criteria can be found on the JSC website at: https://bit.ly/3sCFB7L The Commission has decided […]

Process and criteria: Issues to watch out for in the JSC’s April 2021 sitting

Process and criteria: Issues to watch out for in the JSC’s April 2021 sitting

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) begins a marathon sitting on Monday (12 April 2021). 88 candidates are scheduled to be interviewed over two weeks, to fill 31 vacancies on courts including the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, the Labour Court and all of the divisions of the High Court. This is obviously a very […]