Judges should not sit on the Phala Phala impeachment inquiry
There is no good reason for a judge to be appointed to the independent panel on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s impeachment.
There is no good reason for a judge to be appointed to the independent panel on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s impeachment.
The ANC’s KwaZulu-Natal regional executive committee has been reported as slamming the judiciary, accusing SA’s judges of favouring President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration, while being biased against former President Jacob Zuma.
The integrity of the judiciary in South Africa has never been in question. Or so Judges Matter has thought. It has been our firm view that judges and a judiciary that acts without fear or favour have and has been the thin black line between South Africa and state capture and a collapse in governance […]
Six candidates were interviewed for the Constitutional Court on Wednesday 3 April 2019 for two vacancies at the highest court. Of these candidates, five were recommended to the President for appointment. In line with section 174(4) of the Constitution the President will now appoint two Constitutional Court judges from the list of five names sent […]
In March 2017 President Zuma appointed three new members of the JSC (Judicial Service Commission). These members replaced the previous members namely, Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza SC, Advocate Ismael Semenya SC and Ms Andiswa Ndoni. The new members are Advocate Thandi Norman SC, Advocate Thabani Masuku SC, and Mr Sifiso Msomi. There are four members of […]
It was reported on Sunday, 5 March 2017, that the ANC wants its deployees on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to re-look at the “appointment criteria” used to decide who becomes a judge. In discussion documents, which have now been made public, the party is reported to want; “judges with a progressive philosophy and who […]
In a press statement last week, The Presidency announced that President Zuma had decided to replace three members of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). Namely, Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza SC, Advocate Ismael Semenya SC and Ms Andiswa Ndoni. This move has been described by The Sunday Times as ‘a new assault on the judiciary’. The Sunday […]
In March 2016 the SCA confirmed a ruling by the North Gauteng High Court that the government had acted unlawfully in failing to arrest the Sudanese president, Omar al–Bashir, when he visited South Africa in June 2015. All indications were that the South African government had not complied with a Pretoria High Court order granted […]
At the JSC interviews held on the 4th October, the JSC failed to recommend a panel of four possible appointments to the Constitutional Court. This was after Judge Bosielo’s withdrawal, after new information was put to the JSC alleging that he had conflicts of interest. This left only three nominees, not sufficient for the constitutional […]
According to Business Day, Judge Nkola Motata has instituted a court challenge to the constitutionality of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Act. This system of holding judges to account has been frozen over the last three years as a result of challenges by Judges Jafta and Nkabinde to the tribunal’s constitutionality. It is the structure […]