The State of the Judiciary and Judicial Governance unveiled: A necessary reality check
Addressing crucial judicial governance issues is an important step towards the establishment of a single, effective and fully independent judiciary.
Addressing crucial judicial governance issues is an important step towards the establishment of a single, effective and fully independent judiciary.
The OCJ was established as a standalone national government department to provide administrative support to the Chief Justice and the rest of the judiciary. It was meant to take care of all the administrative functions.
Here is our overview of some of the highlights from the JSC Interviews and other judicial developments during the year of 2018. April 2018 JSC interviews At the April round of interviews the JSC interviewed nine candidates for the Supreme Court of Appeal. This included interviewing Judge President Betty Molemela who was duly nominated to […]
Two lawyers’ associations have complained to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) that they did not have enough time to nominate for the head of the judiciary in the Eastern Cape. An advert for a number of positions, including one of Constitutional Court judge, was circulated by the JSC on the 11 January 2017, with a […]