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October 2017 JSC Interviews

From the 2 – 6 October 2017 the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) interviewed the shortlist of selected candidates for various judicial positions in the High Courts of South Africa. These sessions were open to the public.

Here are the details of the interviews:

Dates: 2 – 6 October 2017
Venue: Office of the Chief Justice in Noordwyk, Midrand
Time: From 09h00 onwards daily

Click here to view the shortlist of candidates.

Democratic Governance and Rights Unit Report on Judicial Candidates

The Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) is an applied research unit based in the Department of Public Law at the University of Cape Town. The DGRU is one of South Africa’s leading research centres in the area of judicial governance.

In preparation for each round of Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Interviews of judicial candidates, the DGRU compiles and extensive report on the judicial records of each of the nominees for appointment to the judiciary. The intention of these reports is to assist the JSC by providing an impartial insight into the judicial records of the short-listed candidates. The reports are also intended to provide civil society and other interested stakeholders with an objective basis on which to assess candidates’ suitability for appointment to the bench.

OCTOBER 2017 Report:

Submission and research report on the judicial records of nominees for appointment to the High Court. Read the full report.

Supplementary research report on the judicial records of nominees for appointment to the Western Cape High Court. Read the full report.